5 Tips For a Workout That Works
It takes a lot more then just showing up to the gym to get the results you're looking for. Many people miss out on serious gains because they aren't getting the most out of their workouts. Here are 5 tips for a workout that works!
1. Prepare For Success
Before you actually get to the gym, you need to prepare for a great workout. Take the time to eat a proper pre-workout meal. This will ensure that your body has the fuel to power through your workout. I always feel like I can move heavier weight when I have a proper pre-workout meal. Something as simple as protein bar will work. Make a plan of what you need to get done. Figure out what exercises you need to get done. Write down your desired rep range and rest times. Figure all this out before you get to the gym. That way you don't have to waste any time during your workout.
2. Stretch
It's important to properly prepare your muscles for your workout. I personally spend the first 15 minutes of my workout foam rolling and stretching. Creating a habit of stretching before your workout is going to help increase your range of motion and prevent injuries. Another big benefit to stretching and foam rolling is breaking up the muscle facia that surrounds your muscles. By doing this your basically telling your body that your muscle fibers need to grow back bigger.
3. Stay Focused
Set your goals and stay focused on them. Remember why you are even in the gym in the first place. You want to see results right? Rest periods between sets should be around a minute for isolation movements and about 2 minutes for the heavier compound lifts. Anything more and you are wasting your time and missing out on muscle hypertrophy. Don't get side tracked talking to your buddy on the other side of the gym, that can wait until after you finish up. Like I said before, you can't just show up to the gym and get the results you're expecting. You have to work. You have to put in sweat. Put some headphone in and get to work. If your goal is to hit 10 reps on an exercise then pick a weight where that 10th rep is going to take some grinding. One of the biggest mistakes people make in the gym is picking a weight that is too light. Of course you want to stay safe and avoid injury so it's important to maintain proper form.
4. Enjoy it
If you're not having fun, why are you even in the gym in the first place? Find a time of the day where your workout works best with your schedule. Whether that be first thing in the morning, or late afternoon. Get into a routine of going to the gym at the same time every day. That way you will consistently be looking forward to getting to the gym. For me, weight lifting has always been a good way to block out everything around for just a short period of time, everyday.
5. Stay Consistent
These long hours are going to do you no good if you're consistently taking weeks off here and there. Make a plan and stick to it. Start slow, maybe go to the gym 3 days a week. Give yourself a chance to make a habit out of working out. Work your way up to working out 5-6 days week to see the most results. After you get into the habit of going to the gym, it just becomes part of your daily routine. You want to get there and put in your daily sweat. These fitness people on Instagram have put years and years of training on their body. Results are not going to come easy, but if you stay consistent and hit your goals, you WILL see your body change for the better.